Thoughts can be loud even if no one else hears them. They can be controversial. They can be good, bad, and everything in between. They make you cry, laugh, get angry, or confused. They can make you feel smart or stupid. Sometimes you don’t know where they come from, how they got there, or even why they are there. Your mind is always busy. It never stops, even when you’re sleeping it’s hard at work. Your thoughts even run rapid without your permission. We form thoughts about ourselves and other people. Thoughts about situations whether they are real or not. They are endless. Sometimes you want them to slow down but they won’t. People struggle with their thoughts to the point of them reaching out for help through therapy, self medication, loved ones, religion, and more. Controlling your thoughts and even the actions that follow some of those thoughts, is one of the hardest things to accomplish. Personally I’ve tried all sorts of ways to get my thoughts to slow down and make sense. Therapy, Religion, loved ones, coloring, etc. God has helped me see things through a different light on many occasions but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle. I still have many nights where my mind races negatively and I often find myself crying because I just wanna sleep and not think all those things. My faith helps so much but even as a Christian thoughts are still very difficult to face sometimes. I have found through writing and through two very close friends that it is possible to slow down and breathe a little. The first step is to realize you want and/or need help. The next step is getting those thoughts out. Writing is a great tool. Physically seeing what you think about on a daily basis is healthy. Take time to sit back and review your thoughts, you may figure out solutions, you may figure out the why. You may even start to notice the difference between your useful and useless thoughts. Another method you could always try is talking. I know hat trust is very difficult now days for many people. But if you do have someone you can trust, talk to them. Explain what’s been on your mind. And whether they just listen and/or try to give you advice, it will help I promise. I have noticed through myself and others that talking is such a relief and helps you feel more calm and like you’re able to breathe again. If you’re in a good place already but you know someone who is struggling, try to get them to talk to someone even if its’s not you. If they feel like they can’t do that try to convince them to write it all down. No one has to read it they just have to express it and let it go. Above all these things if you have faith in your religion, pray! To whomever you believe in. Even though that step can be a challenge it is well worth it. I hope this helps you guys and I hope you enjoyed tonight’s read.
So, I have been writing since I was in middle school. Recently, writing has changed for me. My aunt just passed and she has inspired me so much more to continue writing and maybe even publish a book one day. She wrote and published a bookful of poems to the love of her life and I would like to publish a book of children's stories dedicated to her memory. Writing is now that much more important for me, as it is my way of keeping her memory alive and making her proud.
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